Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Weird Wrexham

Wrexham may well be the most haunted town in Wales; certainly in North Wales. Every year I learn of new ghostly experiences here. Of course, it's a big, busy place which spreads out into many satellite towns and villages, so not only does it have a sizeable population, it's had a large former population, too (if you see my point!)

Recently I heard that the swimming baths may be haunted - that deserves some further investigation. However, a correspondent to my website has drawn my attention to several other allegedly haunted sites in the town. He works in a job that brings him into contact with lots of townspeople and hears of personal encounters that way. That nature of his work is such that he has asked that he remains anonymous.

The old 'Groves' school is one Wrexham location he has identified. He writes: 'I spoke to a young chap the other day who works as a security guard for a reputable company and he said he worked on duty at the Groves not long back, and during the early hours he was terrified by the sound of furniture moving around on the floor above his guard post. The building is alarmed and no one apparently in the building. Some of my colleagues have spoken to the cleaners at the Groves site and they confirmed they see ‘things’ there.'

My Wrexham correspondent has also had a couple of personal experiences with the supernatural, the first at Wrexham Training on Ruabon Road and the second at Trinity House on Egerton Street by the former ‘Thirsty Scholar’ pub.

He tells me: 'I was studying a part-time admin course at Wrexham Training about six years ago when I personally experienced the paranormal activity at that location. It was very lively to say the least. Staff and students alike were seeing and experiencing - often quite unpleasant - things. I maintained contact with some staff a little while after I completed my course, and things were still occuring there.

'In relation to Trinity House, I was working on a Mental Health Help Line in the evenings and weekends. Over time, I saw apparitions and heard the usual doors banging, and the lights on several occasions had a life of their own. When I left working there, I mentioned it to management, who then told me they too experienced seeing apparitions, doors banging, etc.'

This interesting chap has been good enough to offer further details, so I shall certainly take him up on that - keep watching this space!


Unknown said...

I worked in the Thirsty Scholar for a few years through uni. I was there for 4 pub landlords and started working there along side Gary and James when it was still owned by Wolverhampton and Dudley Brewery and the Landlord was still Barry and his wife Caroline.

Although we never experience any moving or throwing of objects or other phenomena as obvious as that. We did notice cold spots in the cellar. Considerable changes from spot to spot that couldn't be explained by draft.

If anyone out there still remembers Chris Hughes that used to work there (Me) send me a message it will be good to hear from the old regulars. :-)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

email address is crediblecoding @

Unknown said...

Great blog, thank you.