Tuesday, 20 May 2008

In the news

My last Haunted Wales blog intimating that Wrexham may be the most haunted town in Wales was picked up by NWN Media journalist Rob Bellis, who, with colleague Joanne Shone, turned it into a double page spread in the 'Evening Leader' on May 15. You can see an extract of it here.

Rob found the blog through his Google Alerts setting, which immediately highlighted the key word 'Wrexham'. Very decent of them to create so much from so little! The article was a handy plug for the new and improved version of my website Uncanny UK, which has moved to a new home at http://www.uncannyuk.com/

This new version of the site is fully content managed, which means there should be no excuse for me not updating the site with at least one new article on a weekly basis. It's on a much better server, too.

Recent posts include a piece in the Ghosts section on Paul Devereux's book 'Spirit Roads' (of which more in a future blog) and a 'More Uncanny' article on the weirdest of many weird phenomena encountered at the infamous Borley Rectory on the Essex/Suffolk border. You'll have to register to read the latter feature, but that's just a case of typing in your email and getting a password in return.

So, if you haven't already done so, please visit http://www.uncannyuk.com/ and let me know what you think.

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